About one-third of traditional schools are half empty or worse – Wirepoints
Teachers union power politics, weak administrations, and absent political leadership have left Chicago Public Schools with a glaring and intractable problem: increasingly empty, failing schools.
Of CPS’ 478 stand-alone “traditional” or non-charter, non-contract schools, one third of them, 150, are less than half-full, according to CPS. The 20 most-empty CPS schools are only 5 to 25 percent full – most with depressing educational outcomes, which we detail below.
That CPS and the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) defend keeping open half-empty schools is why parents need more options. It’s why taxpayers should demand real school choice in the form of vouchers.
Yet despite falling enrollment and failing academic outcomes, CPS won’t be changing its tune anytime soon.
Empty schools, failed results