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Image by Nadine Shaabana

We monitor policies that violate the fundamental rights of parents with regard to education, health, and medical care, infringe upon our right to the First Amendment, and disproportionately disenfranchise our communities economically.

Hold Your Elected Official Accountable  

Illinois Action Alerts

Criminializing Parental Rights HB4876 (proposed)

Parental rights in Illinois are under heavy persecution. Policies like HB4876, The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act...


Sex Education Mandate 

Senator Villivalam (D-Chicago) proposed an Amendment to HB 5188 that would bring forth a controversial K-12 sexual education law...

HB 1596 Deletes Gender-Specific Pronouns

HB 1596 seeks to remove gender-specific pronouns from numerous laws related to children, replacing them with more gender-neutral...

SB 1283

Gender-Affirming Mutilation

SB 1283, often inaccurately referred to as the "Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act", does nothing to protect children... 

Federal Action Alerts


H.J.Res. 38

Parental Rights

Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Reintroduced by Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ),  a bill number, H.J.Res. 38. 

In the Classroom


Parents' Bill of Rights

Congress passed H.R. 5 - granting parents and guardians rights over their children's education in elementary or secondary schools.

Running Athletic Women

Title IX

Protecting Women Privacy

Biden's proposed rule endangers women's safety and limits their opportunities by rewriting Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

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